On Thu, Jul 06, 2006 at 03:31:11PM +0200, carlopmart enlightened us: > Where I can find docs about config a bridge interface under CentOS > 4.3?? I can not find anything on Redhat and CentOS sites about this. > > many thanks A combination of google and reading the startup scripts in /etc/sysconfig/network scripts led me to the following ifcfg-br0: DEVICE=br0 BOOTPROTO=static IPADDR=x.x.x.x NETMASK=x.x.x.x ONBOOT=yes TYPE=Bridge In the respective ifcfg-ethX files, configure as usual but include BRIDGE=br0 That seems to be the cleanest way to do things. Matt -- Matt Hyclak Department of Mathematics Department of Social Work Ohio University (740) 593-1263