[CentOS] Re: CentOS 4 and laptop and wifi works

Sun Jul 9 16:00:02 UTC 2006
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

Tom Diehl wrote:
> On Sun, 9 Jul 2006, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>> Tom Diehl wrote:
>>> Ralph Angenendt Wrote:
>>>> Tom Diehl wrote:
>>>> > Have you succeeded in getting wpa encryption working with the 
>>>> Atheros/madwifi
>>>> > drivers??
>>>> >
>>>> > My madwifi card works just fine with no encryption but I cannot 
>>>> get it to
>>>> > work with the wpa encryption turned on.
>>>> You need the madwifi-ng driver to use WPA, if I'm not completely 
>>>> wrong.
>>>> Having no WPA enabled access point to test it on, I couldn't say if it
>>>> works, though.
> Well actually the -ng designation is gone now.
> If you read the announcements here: http://madwifi.org/ you will find 
> this:
> "Note: June 2006, "madwifi-old" has been deprecated, it is no longer 
> supported.
> All users are encouraged to use an official release tarball, which 
> contains a
> stable snapshot of svn trunk."
I did dig that all out.  It just threw me at first.  11-ng carries a lot 
of political IEEE 802 baggage.
>> If I should not be using the RH drivers from 
>> http://atrpms.net/dist/el4/madwifi/, is there someway for you to 
>> share your builds?
> I have been successfully using the madwifi drivers from 
> http://madwifi.org/
> for several weeks. When I last looked, the stuff at atrpms was out of 
> date.
> That may be corrected by now but it is easy enough to get the latest 
> driver,
> so it makes sense to build your own.
But so far, I have only done ONE build of my own.  I have my docs from 
that time and now I have to put it all together to see if I can do it 
for real.

The files are dated 5/31/06 which is after the madwifi-ng release.
> It turns out that if you take one of the daily tarballs from 
> subversion and
> run "rpmbuild -ta tarball_name" it will build a driver that "just works".
> All I had to do to get it to work with no encryption was plug in the 
> card.
All of my APs here have some level of encryption.  I was one  of the 
contributors to 11i; you know, eat your own dogfood.
> In order to get wpa to work I had to configure wpa_supplicant and 
> start it
> by hand after the card is inserted.
> In my /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf file I have something 
> like the
> following:
> # Run the following command to add another wpa network to the system:
> # wpa_passphrase YOURSSID yourpassphrase
> # mtd 27 May 06
Passphrase will work for some, but I need PEAP-MSCHAP.
> ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant
> ctrl_interface_group=wheel
> network={
>         ssid="my_accesspoint"
>         psk=8f12345672d565a2611c29dfaea6abac90432112341562e49f3c8801bf
> }
I will make note of this..
> Having said all of the above I must confess that, I have never 
> actually tried
> any of this on a centos system. My laptop runs FC5 so things might be 
> slightly
> different.
> Hope this helps,