[CentOS] vsftpd virtual users not able to delete the files (second time post)

Sun Jul 16 14:55:27 UTC 2006
Mark Weaver <mdw1982 at mdw1982.com>

ankush grover wrote:
>     who owns /var/www/html/testing and what are the perms set on that
>     directory? VsFTP still has to follow filesystem settings and
>     directives.
>     hey,
> Thanks for your reply.  Apache owns that directory.
> permissions  755 
> guest username on vsftp is apache.
> Regards
> Ankush Grove

well, for the user *tester* to be able to access that directory the user 
has to either have ownership of that directory or be a member of the 
group that has access rights to that directory. My suggestion would be 
to make ownership of that directory tester.apache, and make the user 
tester a member of the group apache. Then your chmod setting of 755 will 
give the user *tester* rwx (read/write/execute) and the apache group r-w 
(read/-/execute) perms for that directory.

then when user tester logs in via FTP he'll be able to access his home 


"If you have found a very wise man, then you've found
a man that at one time was an idiot and lived long enough
to learn from his own stupidity."
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