[CentOS] libmysqlclient.so.14(libmysqlclient_14)(64bit)

Tue Jul 18 08:11:16 UTC 2006
Henk van Lingen <henkvl at cs.uu.nl>

On Mon, Jul 17, 2006 at 08:33:16PM +0100, Karanbir Singh wrote:
  > > 
  > >   Anyways, you've got your report.
  > enable the repo instead, you are unlikely to satisfy depends by copying
  > down half the pkg tree's.  ( updating this on the bug tracker, we'll
  > follow the issue there )

  Hi Karanbir,

  I think sysadmins shouldn't enable dev/testing repo's on a production
  system. It's full of stuff you don't need or want. Instead, you take
  out the parts you need, including the dependencies, and put that in
  your own infrastructure. You don't want the world changing under your


  > looking at the repo stuff, it looks like something that needs fixing in
  > the mysqlclient compat libs provided.

  Right. I checked, and the same pkg I use ( mysqlclient14 Mon 09 Jan
  2006) is still current in your repository. Besides that, the combi


  as requirements look a bit odd to me. But I'm not an expert.


Henk van Lingen, Systems & Network Administrator              (o-      -+
Dept. of Computer Science, Utrecht University.                /\        |
phone: +31-30-2535278                                        v_/_
http://henk.vanlingen.net/             http://www.tuxtown.net/netiquette/