Thanks Ralph ..I was not aware of this. Thank you very much for clearing my doubt. On Thursday 20 July 2006 04:07 pm, Ralph Angenendt wrote: > Renjith Rajan wrote: > > Hi All, > > > > I have two servers, one is centos 4.3 (new) and other is rh9 (old). > > Both of them run mysql as the primary database server. I installed mysql > > via the rpms available in downloads. > > > > Recently when i do "pstree", i noticed that RH9 server shows many mysql > > children while centos shows only one. Here is the pstree result. (Both of > > them runs the same version of mysql) > > Mysql uses threads and doesn't fork off several processes to do the > work. Older kernels (or - the older threads version in Linux) show each > thread as a new process with its own pid. Recent kernels and pstools > just show the pid - so you're not able to see the threads mysql has > spawned. > > You can see those threads with ps, using the "-m" option (show all > threads): > > ps aux -m | grep mysql > > Regards, > > Ralph