[CentOS] Sun Fire X2100 & 4GB Ram

Fri Jul 21 16:57:44 UTC 2006
William M. Fennell <william.fennell at channing.harvard.edu>

William M. Fennell wrote:

>I will try to bottom post in the future.
>Larry Vaden wrote:
>>On 7/21/06, Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>Since it appears that crappy email programs like outlook and the rest
>>>have made people complacent and functionally retarded when it comes to
>>>email, I present this link for your enlightenment and reading
>>Me thinks Thunderbird's default is to top post, so there's less than
>>universal agreement among the pros and the public, but I myself prefer
>>bottom posting and that others edit the prior posting (a left over
>>from Usenet days).
>>CentOS mailing list
>>CentOS at centos.org
>CentOS mailing list
>CentOS at centos.org

I can't believe I just did that :)