[CentOS] Statistics on stability?

Fri Jul 28 14:17:26 UTC 2006
Dave Hornford <dave.hornford at hornfordassociates.com>

I'm wondering what the metric will display that is useful? Volume is
dependent upon purpse of the distro. (CentOS & Debian stable will track low
volume - their purpose is to provide a predictable environment. Fedora &
Debian unstable will track a higher, and fairly variable volume). Do you
plan to track against initial volume? When I last looked Debian's full
distro was 14 CDs (with a single CD net install option) Again driven by


From: Eduardo Grosclaude [mailto:eduardo.grosclaude at gmail.com] 

Please let's s/stability/volume of updates/g and start it all over again :)
Cheers to all
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