[CentOS] Kickstart from floppy falling into regular install

Fri Jul 28 17:55:58 UTC 2006
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> Alfred von Campe wrote:
>> On Jul 28, 2006, at 12:25, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> Here you are. I had a little bit of fun actually getting the ks.cfg 
>>> on this system to include it into this email....
>> Yes, I know how that is sometimes.
>> Anyway, the anaconda-ks.cfg file has all the partitioning information 
>> removed by default. I *think* I had to un-comment it to get the 
>> kickstart process to be completely automated. Try un-commenting 
>> everything starting from the clearpart line to the last logvol line 
>> to see if that helps.
> ARGH!!!!!!!
> And I looked and looked at that file. Of course I uncommented it the 
> other time..... 
Removed comments and install is on its way!