Hi, I'm using CentOS 4.3 on all my PC's, and I'm very happy with it. Everything *just* works. I want to give DVD::RIP 0.97.10 a try. I enabled rpmforge and kbs repos, but there's only 0.52.2 available, which has an annoying bug in it. So I installed the main dependency, transcode, via yum. Then I downloaded the (PERL) sources of DVD::RIP 0.97.10, ran configure (e. g. perl Makefile.PL), and it complains about the following missing PERL modules: AnyEvent 1.02 Event::ExecFlow 0.61 Event::RPC 0.89 Gtk2 1.081 Gtk2::Ex::FormFactory 0.62 Locale::TextDomain 0 [sic!] Next step was to hunt these down with yum. Alas, yum install perl- AnyEvent return a missing dependency error (Coro::Signals) and says it won't be installed. Each of these modules has quite an impressive list of dependencies in return. Now I already performed a manual install of these on Slackware, and it ran fine. So I gave it a try here. Following a suggestion on IRC, I used cpan2rpm for this. But I couldn't get past the second module. The first two dependencies are ExtUtils::Depends and ExtUtils::PkgConfig. Now I can install *one* of these fine with cpan2rpm, but when I get to the second module, I can't rpm -ivh it, because RPM complains about a clash with the other module. Which leaves me clueless. Any suggestions? Niki Kovacs