[CentOS] Remote reboot problem

Sun Jun 4 12:10:50 UTC 2006
Sam Drinkard <sam at wa4phy.net>

Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:

>Hash: SHA1
>On Sat, Jun 03, 2006 at 04:46:32PM -0400, Sam Drinkard wrote:
>>Don't know if this might be hardware or software related, but it seems 
>>that every time I attempt to do a remote reboot of the machine, 
>>everything shuts down normally, and it never comes back.  Just returned 
>>from the co-lo site, and when I plugged the monitor in, it had gone to 
>>the point of "rebooting" and hung.  This is 4.3  on x-86.
>Sure smells like ACPI problems.
>Try these (in this order) and see if any of them solve the problem:
>1) Upgrade your BIOS
>2) Try booting with acpi=off
I'll give that a try.  I incorrectly stated arch type.  Is i386, not 
x86.  It's done this same thing each time I've tried to reboot after a 
kernel update or upgrade.

Sam W.Drinkard -- sam at wa4phy.net
Augusta Area Mesonet
cell 706.825.8513 Home 706.868.7253
MAIL 4428 Branchwood Drive,
Martinez Georgia, 30907-1304