[CentOS] Swap

Mon Jun 5 20:16:52 UTC 2006
Sam Drinkard <sam at wa4phy.net>

Max H. wrote:

> Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>> where do you set "swappiness"?
> Echo a value 0 to 100 into /proc/sys/vm/swappiness.
> Higher the number, more swap.
> Here's an interesting argument from some kernel developers:
> <http://kerneltrap.org/node/3000>
Some interesting points made in that article.  Sounds like too, that 
something has been implemented that would control the swappiness based 
on load.

Sam W.Drinkard -- sam at wa4phy.net
Augusta Area Mesonet
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MAIL 4428 Branchwood Drive,
Martinez Georgia, 30907-1304