[CentOS] Re: Changing from dynamic ip to static ip

Tue Jun 13 18:18:50 UTC 2006
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

William L. Maltby spake the following on 6/13/2006 10:45 AM:
> On Tue, 2006-06-13 at 10:34 -0700, Scott Silva wrote:
>> William L. Maltby spake the following on 6/13/2006 4:41 AM:
>>> On Mon, 2006-06-12 at 18:53 -0400, Thomas E Dukes wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> I have been on a dynamic ip for about 5 years and have just upgraded to a
>>>> static ip.
>>> <snip>
>>> I almost didn't mention it because it's so common a concern now, but
>>> just in case.
>>> Static IP gives attackers a lot more leeway in their attempts to
>>> penetrate.<snip>
>> I have a dynamic address at home, and according to the logs, it hasn't changed
>> for over a year.
>> So I think the firewall and TCP Wrappers stuff applies to ANY machine
>> connected to the internet.
> Yep. It's just that whenever someone makes the switch, someone else
> always remembers to say what I said, essentially. It's really like a
> gun: always assume it's loaded and handle with care. So too, regardless
> of static or dynamic, secure your setup. *But*, it's generally
> considered a little less risky to have a frequently changing IP.
> BTW, my IP used to not vary much either. But now TW Cable here in the
> Piedmont/Triad Region has recently made some changes and it is changing
> more frequently now. I tend to defeat it, not on purpose *yet*, because
> I stay "up" for extended periods. But they are getting "smarter" (or
> stupider, depending on your goals) about it.
I like the loaded gun analogy, as I have many "bullet wounds" from the
internet. Some of them were self-inflicted!


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