[CentOS] PERL module woes

Thu Jun 1 22:39:06 UTC 2006
Kurt Hansen <khansen at charityweb.net>

Johnny Hughes wrote:

>On Thu, 2006-06-01 at 17:17 -0400, Kurt Hansen wrote:
>>Jim Perrin wrote:
>>>>In fact, the quality of the perl-related rpms from Red Hat is
>>>>the main reason I'm not using RHEL and using CentOS
>You choose not to use RHEL / CentOS, yet you are giving expert advice.
No, I use CentOS. I don't use RHEL.

>>>Your logic is confusing to me. It does not resemble what I would
>>>consider to be rational thought.
>>Is this the kind of rhetoric that is acceptable on this list? There is 
>>no value to your comment except to insult.
>>Do you have any experience with the rpms to which I'm referring? Do you 
>>work with the same software I do?
>Jim Perrin is a CentOS admin ... so I would say he has a little bit of
>experience with this issue ... YES :)
>Installing perl modules from CPAN absolute worst possible solution and
>should be used only as the absolute last resort.
>Or, maybe you know more about this distro that the people who make it?
It appears that I know more about mod_perl than the people who make 
CentOS or the RH distributions.

Look, I just started using CentOS a few months back. I try to make a 
helpful suggestion, to take some of the load off other people, for the 
first time, and I get insulted.

Is that how you get people to help out on this project?

The people who have direct experience with using perl on this thread 
have seemed to support my view.

Plus, it appears only the folks with perl experience are the ones who 
are actually trying to answer the original poster's question. Neither 
you nor Jim Perrin have provided an answer that can solve his problem.


Kurt Hansen