[CentOS] how to 'yum update' in a %post

Fri Jun 2 13:36:38 UTC 2006
Joseph Haig <joseph.haig at supanet.net.uk>

Tom Brown wrote:

> Hi
> After a kickstart install how do you get a yum update to run as the 
> final stage of the install?
> a 'yum update' in the %post does not seem to do anything at all - no 
> errors just nothing?
Try this in your kickstart file:

%post --interpreter /bin/bash
yes | yum update

Without the '--interpreter /bin/bash' the code will (I think) be 
interpreted as python.  Also, when you run 'yum update' you are prompted 
to confirm that you want to go ahead and update the listed packages, and 
so you need to pipe 'yes' through it.

Hope this helps,
