[CentOS] how to 'yum update' in a %post

Fri Jun 2 15:01:04 UTC 2006
Joseph Haig <joseph.haig at supanet.net.uk>

Tom Brown wrote:

>> you need to run this without the --nochroot option, there is no yum
>> included in the installer system, and the only yum you will get working
>> is the one inside the chroot.
> OK thanks makes sense - however is there anyway to make some things 
> run with --nochroot and others with it? Just that there is other 
> things allready going on that need the --nochroot
You can have both:

%post --nochroot
<Some stuff>

%post --interpreter /bin/sh
<More stuff>

This is what the end of my kickstart file looks like:

%post --nochroot --interpreter /bin/sh
cp /tmp/hostname /mnt/sysimage/root/.

%post --interpreter /bin/bash
mount /mnt
cd /mnt