[CentOS] Jailing SSH users

Sat Jun 3 23:19:12 UTC 2006
albi <albi at scii.nl>

support at robohostingsolutions.com wrote:

> Hello everyone, I have been searching for this for a while now, without any
> luck.  I would like to know how to keep ssh users in thier home directory,
> and allow them to execute scripts under their home.  I have a user that
> wants to run a game off the server, but need ssh access to do so, to run a
> shell script.  I have tried rbash and rksh, but, both do not allow the game
> script to be run.

you might want to look at this :

grtjs, albi
gpg-key: lynx -dump http://scii.nl/~albi/gpg.asc | gpg --import