[CentOS] Installing Centos4.3 in VMWare on XP

Wed Jun 7 02:47:02 UTC 2006
Mark Schoonover <schoon at amgt.com>

Jeffrey B. Layton <mailto:laytonjb at charter.net> tapped at Tuesday, June 06,
2006 5:07 PM:

> Jim Perrin wrote:
>>> You lost me (not unusual). I'm new to VMWare. How do you tell it
>>> to use the iso as the cdrom? Can you walk me through this? (off-line
>>> of course).
>> Put the iso in some location that makes sense.
>> Edit the properties of your vmware machine, and then select the
>> cdrom. The options should let you change it from a physical drive
>> (the default) to an iso, where you'll be required to point it to the
>> specific file.
> Got it. So far so good. I'm working my way through the install.
> What do I do when it asks for the second and third and fourth CDs?


	Just go into the properties for the CD drive, and choose the next
ISO. Keep doing that for each "CD" you have. It'll work just fine...


Mark Schoonover
IS Manager
American Geotechnical - California, Nevada and Arizona
V-> 858.450.4040 F-> 714.685.3909 C-> 858.472.3816

"Don't tell me I'm burning the candle at both ends, just tell me where to
get more wax!"