[CentOS] command to echo size of images

Fri Jun 23 18:13:02 UTC 2006
Jim Perrin <jperrin at gmail.com>

On 6/23/06, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu <m3freak at rogers.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 2006-21-06 at 09:52 -0400, Jerry Geis wrote:
> > Is there a command line program in centos to echo back the size of an
> > image (gif,jpg,png)?
> > I did see that file image.jpg sometimes works but reports the wrong
> > image size.
> > I see xview image.jpg reports the correct size but I dont want to see
> > the image just get its size.

> No need to install ImageMagick, unless of course you want the extra
> features ImageMagick provides.

You mean like accurate file information? :-P
According to the above email you quoted, file occasionally throws him
bad information. I'm not sure why exactly that is, but 'identify' from
ImageMagick is the right wrench for pounding in this screw.

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