[CentOS] Syslog

Wed Jun 28 00:02:49 UTC 2006
Sam Drinkard <sam at wa4phy.net>

Jason Bradley Nance wrote:
>> OK.. problem solved.  I overlooked an entry I had set up in 
>> /etc/syslog.conf that called local8 for the new software I had 
>> installed.
> So back at the very beginning when I asked you to verify your package...
> rpm -V sysklogd
> That would have told you that /etc/syslog.conf was changed.
> In the future you should be a little more thorough when following the 
> advice of people taking time out of their day trying to debug problems 
> for you remotely.  If you don't understand what they are asking you to 
> do, ask.
> j

    It was not the package itself.  It's OK.  it was the syslog.conf 
that I had made an error in an entry I didn't catch at first.  There is 
no such thing as a "local8" and that is what I had for logging.  That 
was what was killing the whole shebang.  I knew the syslog had changed, 
I just didn't catch the error by being in a hurry.

Sorry to trouble you.....
