[CentOS] file command returns incorrect MIME type?

Fri Mar 3 20:14:51 UTC 2006
Benjamin Smith <lists at benjamindsmith.com>

Here's the problem: 

[ben at kepler tmp]# file -i presentation.ppt
presentation.ppt: application/msword

I see lots of references to this problem, (EG: IMP, PHP bug, etc) all of which 
conclude, in various forms, "the problem is in your /usr/share/magic.mime, go 
away". But nowhere (that I've been able to find) is there actually a solution 
- and even the magic.mime file from the latest tar (downloaded from 
astron.com) didn't fix it, either. The magic file in the apache directory 
seems to come up with the answer of: no answer. When you access a ppt in 
apache, it comes back with a generic response rather than 

Any ideas? 

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- XEROX PARC slogan, circa 1978