[CentOS] Re: TinyCA2 on Centos

Wed Mar 8 18:54:38 UTC 2006
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>

At 10:29 AM 3/8/2006, Scott Silva wrote:
>Robert Moskowitz spake the following on 3/7/2006 4:53 PM:
> > http://tinyca.sm-zone.net/ has the following:
> >
> > "RPM for SuSE Linux 9.3 : tinyca2-0.7.2-0.noarch.rpm
> > <http://tinyca.sm-zone.net/tinyca2-0.7.2-0.noarch.rpm> (Should work with
> > the most current distributions) "
> >
> > Will this RPM work on Centos 4.2?
> >
>Why not get the src.rpm and rebuild it?

I am not up to that skill level yet.

The one time I have done this (jpackage stuff), I 
got so messed up that by the time I 'got it 
right', I no longer had confidence in other 
aspects of the server, and just did a rebuild 
from scratch (but did use kickstart to make that step bearable).

So I will first look for a way to do things via 
rpms and leave the src stuff to others.

BTW, this is not my job.  I am busy right now in 
IEEE 802.11s arguing that their security claims 
are improper, and are producing a false sense of 
risk avoidance.  It is REALLY hard to get people 
to provide what seems like LESS security.  Making 
them understand that less is actually more is a struggle.

So you go and build your stuff from your src, and 
I will go and build my protocols from my src (I 
am dyslexic and see all this stuff in 4D thought 
images that I have to translate into words).

"Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to
add, but rather, when there is nothing left to take away"

Antoine de Saint-Exupéry (1900-1944)