[CentOS] Karanbir CentOS REPO - Breakability?

Thu Mar 9 00:49:44 UTC 2006
Jim Smith <jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com>

How many of you have tried out the KBS CentOS Fedora Extras rebuilds?
In my case i enabled his misc and extras repo on a test machine and 

- it proceeded to install apt that nuked the dag and centos list
- It also installed a very new version of wine, wine-devel and
wine-tools that broke my wine apps. the centOS rpms from winehq work
like champs. The winetools 0.9.3 rpm as  linked from the winehq
website is the real thing that can install IE, rather than the cheap
fedora imitation.

Is anyone else experiencing difficulties with the KBS repo?

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