[CentOS] Whereis system-config-kickstart

Fri Mar 17 03:06:50 UTC 2006
Robert Moskowitz <rgm at htt-consult.com>


To use Kickstart Configurator, you must be running the X Window 
System. To start Kickstart Configurator, select Applications (the 
main menu on the panel) => System Tools => Kickstart, or type the 
command /usr/sbin/system-config-kickstart.

Can't find it.

Now my system has:

@ gnome-desktop
@ base-x
@ kde-desktop

Amongst others.

So where is it hiding?

Also when you get to:


How do you specify the geometry of the drive that will be used?  I 
will be using a Toshiba MK4018GAS 

I will want to include a Hibernate partition....

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