[CentOS] mdadm and smtp yum update issue

Wed Mar 29 16:40:07 UTC 2006
Robert Hanson <list06 at abbacomm.net>

} Better solution. Just use the attached spec to build a rpm, install it,
} and you are good to go.
} --
} Rodrigo Barbosa <rodrigob at suespammers.org>


thank you for the .spec file

ive never installed a *fakeout* filler rpm before. very interesting...

do i need any extra command line options like on this one *OR* do i just

rpmbuild -ba fake-snmp.spec

thank you in advance

 - rh

Robert Hanson - Abba Communications
   Computer & Internet Services
 (509) 624-7159 - www.abbacomm.net