[CentOS] cfengine

Wed Mar 29 22:06:30 UTC 2006
Paul Heinlein <heinlein at madboa.com>

On Wed, 29 Mar 2006, Tom Brown wrote:

> Anyone ever implimented cfengine on 4.x ? I am just looking for 
> background and if there are any traps to fall into?

I install and use it on CentOS (and Debian, and Gentoo, and Solaris, 
and OS X), but only for configuration; I don't rely on it for package 
management at all.

The only "traps" I've encountered are:

1) make sure your config repository is solid, with a clear and
    conservative set of guidelines concerning change management

2) use "-nv" liberally while formulating your configuration

3) for now, anyway, you have to add special shellcommands to
    manipulate SELinux contexts

4) document whatever you do, because it's likely that none of
    your colleagues are familiar with cfengine (a sadly true
    fact of life...)

Paul Heinlein <> heinlein at madboa.com <> www.madboa.com