[CentOS] Advice on setting up Raid and LVM

Thu Mar 2 13:27:23 UTC 2006
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Thu, Mar 02, 2006 at 06:44:13PM +0700, Fajar Priyanto enlightened us:
> I'm setting up Centos4.2 on 2x80GB SATA drives.
> The partition scheme is like this:
> /boot = 300MB 
> / = 9.2GB
> /home = 70GB
> swap = 500MB
> The RAID is RAID 1.
> md0 = 300MB = /boot
> md1 = 9.2GB = LVM
> md2 = 70GB = LVM
> md3 = 500MB = LVM
> Now, the confusing part is:
> 1. When creating VolGroup00, should I include all PV (md1, md2, md3)? Then 
> create the LV.
> 2. When setting up RAID 1, should I make those separated partitions 
> for /, /home, and swap? Or, should I just make one big RAID device?
> The future purpose of using LVM is I want to be able to expand any partitions 
> that would run out of space into a new disk.

Personally, I would do:

md0 = 300MB (/boot)
md1 = 500MB (swap)
md2 = remainder (pv.00)

I would then create a single volume group on md2, create / and home, but I
would leave 20-30% of the VG empty so you can expand later. That would work
out to like 10GB /, and 50GB /home, and leave you 15 or so GB for expansion.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263