[CentOS] Pyhton Install location/building rpm

Thu Mar 9 14:56:37 UTC 2006
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Thu, Mar 09, 2006 at 08:24:01PM +0530, Sanjay Arora enlightened us:
> I need to install Python 2.4.2 for installing Zope. What is the
> location for python that should be given in the ./configure --prefix
> directive?
> /usr/lib is for python libraries..isn't it and thats where I find most
> of python installed except for the python binary in /sbin
> Should I uninstall the normal python installed in Centos 4.2 by
> default before installing from source?
> Can someone guide me about how to create a source rpm for Python &
> Zope and where to find the spec files? Please note that this is my
> first attempt at building rpm of any kind, so please give me links
> accordingly. I would like to maintain latest stable release of Python
> & Zope and if possible, build their rpm and contribute the same to
> centos contrib repo, since I will be building it anyway. Please guide.
> I will also need someone to test the rpm, before releasing into
> contrib, if it is wanted.

First, messing with Python on a Redhat system is likely to break lots of
things like the system-config-* scripts, yum, and a handful of other things.
Generally not a good idea.

Second, you might check out pyvault (http://www.python.org/pyvault/) as
they've already done the hard part for you.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263