[CentOS] Centosplus & CentOS Extras, Enlarge your tent

Sat Mar 11 14:54:24 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Sat, 2006-03-11 at 05:57 -0800, Jim Smith wrote:
> I think Jim (the other one) is doing a marvellous job with extras and
> plus but he needs to expand the size of his tent. A sensible package
> policy in extras/plus repo will mean fewer temptations to install 3rd
>  party repo's that can break your system. Some of the packages i
> would like to see are :-

firstly, we work in conjuction with dag, dries, and kbs-CentOS-xxxx

The only things that are already in there which go into our extras will
be things that they don't have (or things we need to use from there to
complete our dependencies).

> - MySQL 5 rpms
(already in our testing repo)

> - php 5 rpms (already provided)

> - Open Office 2.0 rpms
(this is too hard to build and requires things we don't want to install
on CentOS build machines ... but the OpenOffice website has RPMS that
work OK)

> - webmin
> - rkhunter
> - chkrootkit
> - tripwire
(all or most of these are in dag)

> - Adobe, Realplayer & Java plugins (though licensing might be a
> hindrance)
(as Craig pointed out, we can't due to licensing issues, we also can't
provide mp3 stuff)

> - wine from winehq
{In KBS extras)

Using 3rd party repos is not bad, they just have to be used wisely with
the tools that yum already provides.  (includepkgs, exclude, enable ...
and/or the protectbase plugin)

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