[CentOS] Centosplus & CentOS Extras, Enlarge your tent

Sat Mar 11 16:13:47 UTC 2006
Jim Smith <jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com>

I know about dag's repo from the bad old fedora days (when ATRPMS,
LIVINA wouldn't play nicely), but his webmin is older than the
official one.

On the subject of wine and winetools, the winehq rpms work properly
with centOS. The KBS repo may not be aware of this situation and they
have included a dud wine-tools (note the hyphen) which is not

The other issue is that for example i reinstalled apt, apt-devel and
synaptic from centos extras and the rpmforge has newer versions of
apt, apt-devel and synaptic. KBS repo if enabled would overwrite the
rpmforge apt,apt-devel and synaptic even if KBS does not suupport

I hope CentOS does not get to the "Fedora sharks repo" situation -
where  the repos compete and overwrite the base system files giving
unexpected results. 

Craig, where is the KDE-Redhat  repo, I'm not a fan of KDE but if
they have a newer SAMBA, I'll see whether it can quiten the logs.

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