[CentOS] New update problems

Wed Mar 15 19:29:44 UTC 2006
Miskell, Craig <Craig.Miskell at agresearch.co.nz>


> -----Original Message-----
> From: centos-bounces at centos.org 
> [mailto:centos-bounces at centos.org] On Behalf Of William Warren
> Sent: Thursday, 16 March 2006 6:18 a.m.
> To: CentOS mailing list
> Subject: [CentOS] New update problems
> yum apparently still can't cope with transparent proxies.  I 
> tried the 
> following and got the  yum http behind proxy error:
> Is there an ftp version of the mirrorlist or are those of us 
> that have 
> to use transparent proxies stuck without this new feature?
> [root at joshua ~]# yum install yum-plugin-fastestmirror
> Setting up Install Process
> Setting up repositories
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> primary.xml.gz            100% |=========================| 
> 1.3 MB    03:07
> dag       : 
> ################################################## 3832/3832
> Added 72 new packages, deleted 5 old in 9.48 seconds
> primary.xml.gz            100% |=========================|  
> 75 kB    00:00
> update    : ################################################## 185/185
> Added 30 new packages, deleted 0 old in 0.96 seconds
> Parsing package install arguments
> Resolving Dependencies
> --> Populating transaction set with selected packages. Please wait.
> ---> Downloading header for yum-plugin-fastestmirror to pack into 
> transaction set.
> yum-plugin-fastestmirror- 100% |=========================|  
> 13 kB    00:00
> http://styx.biochem.wfubmc.edu/mirror/CentOS/4/extras/i386/RPM
> S/yum-plugin-fastestmirror-0.2.4-3.c4.noarch.rpm: 
> [Errno -1] Header is not complete.
For the interested, I've been debugging a similar problem all day
yesterday.  In my case it's not a transparent proxy, but it's a proxy
that for some awful reason doesn't seem to want to support byte-ranges.
Python urlgrabber doesn't seem to handle asking for a byte range and
getting back the whole file, so it chucks the whole rpm to disk where
yum is expecting just the header.  

So a possible solution is to fix your proxy to handle byte-ranges
(assuming that's the problem - a packet sniff of the transaction should
show it up pretty quickly, if the response that comes back is a HTTP 200
rather than a HTTP 206)

Craig Miskell

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