[CentOS] USB key problems on enterprise systems

Thu Mar 16 08:37:00 UTC 2006
Will McDonald <wmcdonald at gmail.com>

On 16/03/06, Collins Richey <crichey at gmail.com> wrote:
> Spoken as a person with a great deal of common sense.
> Would that an equal amount of common sense were distributed amongst
> the VP and upward levels of companies like ours that have determined
> "you will not use open source products." Paying through the nose is
> just what we want.
> I have no doubt that the support from CentOS and especially from this
> list is 1000x better than support from RH, but it matters not: the
> gods have spoken.

And yet, if Redhat isn't profitable, no SRPMs for the rest us.

I'm happy not having support but equally, I can see situations where
it'd be a comfort. And there are circumstances where posting
problems/configs to a public mailing list for help might be frowned
upon. Say you work for a bank, for example.
