[CentOS] Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the slowest of them all? CentOS

Sat Mar 18 17:06:11 UTC 2006
Jim Smith <jim_smith2006 at yahoo.com>

--- Collins Richey <crichey at gmail.com> wrote:
> I said it all int my earlier post. Can you spell T-R-O-L-L?
> Johnny, you have no need to (although you are most articulate in
> doing
> so)  justify the well thought out and effective process of release
> a
> high quality distro. Just keep up the good work.
> --
> Collins Richey
>       The agnostic dyslexic insomniac lies awake wondering if there
> is a dog.

Have you Collins Richey escaped from a lunatic asylum? No wonder 
you have such trash in your sig.

Collins Richey - the agnostic dyslexic insomniac lies awake wondering
if there is a dog.

If you are unable to provide the response expected from an adult,
off to the kiddies site. Everyone else is taking this on the chin.

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