[CentOS] Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the slowest of them all? CentOS

Sat Mar 18 17:06:19 UTC 2006
Kevin K <k_krieser at sbcglobal.net>

On Mar 18, 2006, at 9:56 AM, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> Also integrated into this release is boot support for both the i586  
> and
> i686 kernels on the standard i386 CD .. something that the upstream
> provider does not do .. so that people who need dd= driver image  
> support
> can use existing RHEL drivers and i686 boot kernel, while i586 users
> (not even supported upstream) can also use our product.
> Also, there are several problems (Glade, libtool, apr) that don't work
> when built as provided ... and without fixes they are worthless.  We
> need to analyze those fixes and see if they were still necessary.   
> There
> were other things that used to be a problem (dhcp, thunderbird, etc.)
> where patches that we required on the last version were no longer
> required and where removed.

It is too bad for me that the upstream vendor does not support Intel  
chips older than than the i686.  At work, it just causes hassle since  
I need to use a 686 box to install, replace GLIBC and SSL support  
with the i386 versions, recompile the kernel targeting an older chip,  
all before I can install it on the obsolete Pentium and 586 computers  
we also have to support.

Unfortunately, for this case, we have to use the upstream provider's  
version of the OS since the Army requires the use of a "Certified"  
OS, and no one is likely to spend the money to get rebuilt version  
like Cent OS certified.

But at least I can run an equivalent version at home without the  
upgrade issues the use of Fedora, for example, would bring.  So  
thanks to CentOS for a version we can freely used.
