[CentOS] Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the slowest of them all? CentOS

Sun Mar 19 04:00:24 UTC 2006
Fajar Priyanto <fajarpri at cbn.net.id>

On Sunday 19 March 2006 03:41 am, Dag Wieers wrote:
> The only reason for someone to insult people on this list and complain
> about CentOS is someone who has a vested interest to do so. The fact that
> he is hiding behind an anonymous email-address makes it all the easier.
> Move along folks, there is _nothing_ to see here.

True, this kind of posting also appears in the Openoffice.org list once in a 
Fajar Priyanto | Reg'd Linux User #327841 | Linux tutorial 
11:00:13 up 20:23, 2.6.15-1.1830_FC4 GNU/Linux 
Let's use OpenOffice. http://www.openoffice.org