Hi On Tue 21-Mar-2006 at 04:42:28PM +0800, Chin wrote: > > I am now trying to install some modules like MIME::parser, > Date::Parse, Date::Format, etc. If they are not available from CentOS (try 'yum install perl-Date-Parse' etc) then they might be via RPMForge -- they package a lot of perl modules, the easiest way to get packages from them is to install the rpmforge-release rpm first: http://rpmforge.net/user/packages/rpmforge-release/ And then try something like 'yum list perl*' to see what is available. If they don't have the rpm you are after then the easiest thing might be to build one yourself -- I find that cpanflute2 from the perl-RPM-Specfile rpm works for most CPAN modules: http://rpmforge.net/user/packages/perl-RPM-Specfile/ There is also more on this in the archives for this list... Chris -- Chris Croome <chris at webarchitects.co.uk> web design http://www.webarchitects.co.uk/ web content management http://mkdoc.com/