[CentOS] Mirror Mirror on the wall, who is the slowest of them all? CentOS

Wed Mar 22 22:10:29 UTC 2006
BRUCE STANLEY <bruce.stanley at prodigy.net>

rado <rado at rivers-bend.com> wrote:  On Sat, 2006-03-18 at 21:41 +0100, Dag Wieers wrote:

> The only reason for someone to insult people on this list and complain 
> about CentOS is someone who has a vested interest to do so. The fact that 
> he is hiding behind an anonymous email-address makes it all the easier.
> Move along folks, there is _nothing_ to see here.

thx, Dag...says it all


  In my college days of  "CB" radio usage,
  we use to call them  "AGITATORS".....      
  In Ham Radio they are called "LIDs"....       :-( 
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