[CentOS] httpd not starting after 4.3 update

Thu Mar 23 09:01:14 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Thu, 2006-03-23 at 01:13 -0500, Jerry Geis wrote:
> After updating to 4.3 I cant get httpd to startup.
> I see no messages in /var/log/message other that httpd failed.
> I see no errors in /var/log/httpd/error_log
> there is mention in ssl_error_log that no RSA or DSA certificate is found.
> I dont know what to do about that.I tried starting in the  non fork mode
> but all it does is give me a prompt no error message .
> Also of note I am having issue with sshd. It starts up but I cannot connect
> to the machine.
> I have been at this for a couple hours now. trying anything...
> Jerry

Please look hard at your selinux.  I suspect that is where your problems
lie if it is turned on.
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