[CentOS] CentOS 4.3 Jigdo

Fri Mar 24 18:08:05 UTC 2006
Maciej Żenczykowski <maze at cela.pl>

I'm hoping to get back to you with a script which will automagically 
generate these for all architectures binCD/binDVD/srcDVD, I've just been 
far too busy :)

And I'm still deliberating on what to do with the default source (I could 
provide a list of mirrors or something like that... instead of the 
current local file source)


On Fri, 24 Mar 2006, Johnny Hughes wrote:

> On Fri, 2006-03-24 at 18:49 +0100, Maciej Żenczykowski wrote:
>> I've made rudimentary jigdo files available at:
>> http://mirror.tcs.ii.uj.edu.pl/jigdo/
>> i386: bin1of4 bin2of4 bin3of4 bin4of4 CDs binDVD srcDVD
>> x86_64: binDVD
>> Usage requires replacing the [Servers] parts inside the jigdo
>> files with an appropriate mirror (file:/, http://, ftp://)
>> This should allow recreation of the above mentioned files from any
>> complete set of their contents (a mirror or DVD from CDs or vice versa).
>> (jigdo is available from dag/dries/rpmforge repo).
>> Cheers,
>> MaZe.
>> _______________________________________________
> MaZe,
> We would be glad to host these if they will cost you any bandwidth ...
> and to have you redo it for each CentOS release, if you would like :)
> Thanks,
> Johnny Hughes