[CentOS] Has anybody recompiled Centos' default kernel on x86_64

Fri Mar 31 09:16:51 UTC 2006
James Pearson <james-p at moving-picture.com>

Bogdan Nicolescu wrote:
> I haven't been able to recompile Centos' default kernel on 4.2, nor on 4.3 on an x86_64
>   The process fails with two different problems:
>   1. 'cannot find -lqt' error

You will get that error on x86_64 if you try and run 'make xconfig' on 
the source tree that is extracted after, for example, running 'rpmbuild -bp'

As the normal build process is all command line driven, then this is not 
a problem.

There are a few patches out there to work round this (and I believe it's 
fixed in more recent kernels). The patch I use which works for me is 

James Pearson

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