[CentOS] How to see the compile options of a rpm package?

Wed May 3 06:09:02 UTC 2006
Daniel de Kok <danieldk at pobox.com>

On Tue, 2006-05-02 at 21:32 -0500, israel.garcia at cimex.com.cu wrote:
> Why if openldap has version  OpenLDAP-2.3.20(stable), centos (redhat) is
> still shipping  version 2.2? 

Basically, the goal of the upstream vendor (and thus CentOS) is not to
track the latest and greatest packages, but to provide a stable package
set. If new versions of a program are released with security fixes,
these fixes are backported to the version that the upstream provider
provides. Just throwing in a new version as an update to a stable
distribution release could cause all kinds of havoc. The policy of the
upstream provider is written down in more detail at:


-- Daniel