[CentOS] Anaconda allows x86_64 CD/DVD to be used to install i386 system

Thu May 4 14:08:19 UTC 2006
Matt Hyclak <hyclak at math.ohiou.edu>

On Thu, May 04, 2006 at 09:03:25AM -0500, Aleksandar Milivojevic enlightened us:
> Quoting Karanbir Singh <mail-lists at karan.org>:
> >Aleksandar Milivojevic wrote:
> >at buildtime a timestamp and a session stamp are inserted into both ends
> >of the side for a network install. unless they match - you cant install
> >anything. you cant even use a boot.iso from a different build cycle
> >against a different tree, even in the same arch...
> You mean the first line of .discinfo?  Seems to be ignored.  At least  
> with 4.3 media.  I built my DVD from CD images using mkdvdiso.sh script.

Yeah, I defininitely did a network install of 4.3 from a 4.0 disc 1
yesterday. I've not tried different arches, but within the same arch at
least it works.


Matt Hyclak
Department of Mathematics 
Department of Social Work
Ohio University
(740) 593-1263