[CentOS] Re: Yum Update Question

Thu May 4 19:38:06 UTC 2006
Scott Silva <ssilva at sgvwater.com>

John Hinton spake the following on 5/4/2006 12:13 PM:
> I have asked myself over the years... just what happens during the
> update process? For instance, the latest updates included updates to
> php. I'm wondering if apache is restarted or reloaded to read the new
> php updates?
> More broadly... if this is done, is it done pretty much for every
> interrelated update, I guess with the exception of kernel updates?
> Thanks for all the hard work.
> Best,
> John Hinton
If I am not mistaken, the individual rpm's need to have post-install scripts
to restart whatever processes that are necessary.


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