[CentOS] My GNU-CentOS Desktop

Fri May 12 17:41:00 UTC 2006
Mike Stankovic <mlists2006 at yahoo.com>

--- Jos� Alburquerque <jaalburquerque at cox.net>
> Really nice. :-) Curiously, which version of wine do
> you have installed?

$ rpm -qa |  grep wine

Thats from winehq, winetools provides the ability to
run IE on Linux. Someone contacted me off-list about
OpenOffice 2.0. Just go to the www.openoffice.org
website and get the ready for RHEL/CentOS rpms. 

Improve the mailing list by performing a simple search 
before posting and reading the FAQ/etiquette. Protect the
integrity of your installation with the yum plugins.

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