[CentOS] yum grouplist error

Fri May 19 15:01:15 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2006-05-19 at 10:32 -0400, Alfred von Campe wrote:
> I keep a local copy of the yum repository using rsync every night.   
> Commands like "yum update" still work, but lately I've been getting  
> the following error:
>    # yum grouplist
>    Setting up Group Process
>    Setting up repositories
>    Error: Caching enabled and local cache: //var/cache/yum/base/ 
> yumgroups.xml does not match checksum
> My nightly rsync cron job doesn't update this file -- should it?  How  
> does one rebuild it?  To set up my local repository, I edited the  
> file /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Base.repo and changed all baseurl  
> entries to use file:///path/to/my/repo instead of http:// 
> mirror.centos/org/...  Do I have something misconfigured?
> Thanks,
> Alfred

OK ... yum caches metadata ... so for a period of time there is a file
in cache that MIGHT be different (if there are changes on the mirror).

You should start with this if you have that problem:

yum clean metadata

However ... this sounds like a different problem because ...
yumgroups.xml never really changes, except when we release a new ISO.

Are you rebuilding your metadata with createrepo ... if you are, are you
using the -g option?

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