[CentOS] Re: pptp server tutorial

Scott Silva

ssilva at sgvwater.com
Tue Nov 28 15:55:28 UTC 2006

Antonio Garcia spake the following on 11/28/2006 12:49 AM:
> This is not valid ?
> http://pptpclient.sourceforge.net/howto-fedora-core-4.phtml
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If you read that it is for a pptp client. The question was for a PPTP
"server". There are some patches for IPTables that need to be added for the
2.6 kernel to have both PPTP server and still allow internal clients to
passthrough the firewall.
You could try Clarkconnect. It is based on CentOS 4 and has a decent web based
firewall management and both PPTP and Openswan IPSec servers. Plus you can do
many other things with it. You have to register, but the free version has very
few limitations.


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