[CentOS] Relay with Sendmail

Sat Nov 25 00:16:59 UTC 2006
Kevan Benson <kbenson at a-1networks.com>

On Friday 24 November 2006 02:34, Denis Croombs wrote:
> I need to only accept emails on my MAIN POP/IMAP server from 3 servers
> (under my control (front line MX servers)) & local users who have local POP
> accounts.

I take it you mean accept for local delivery from the front-line MX servers, 
and accept for local and relay from the POP users.

> ALL other emails need to be blocked.
> What is the best way of doing this ?

Firewall port 25 except for the front-line servers.  Nobody else should be 
able to talk to it.

Enable the submission port (587) for the local users, that's what it's for.  
Just edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc and remove the "dnl " from the line:
dnl DAEMON_OPTIONS(`Port=submission, Name=MSA, M=Ea')dnl

To allow users with a local POP/IMAP account to send, either enable SMTP AUTH 
and require users to submit credentials for sending mail or get 
pop-before-smtp from karan's repo and set that up to work.
to enable SMTP AUTH, see http://www.joreybump.com/code/howto/smtpauth.html.  
Don't forget to enable sasluthd and set it to run on boot (chkconfig 
saslauthd on).

- Kevan Benson
- A-1 Networks