[CentOS] files in a directory limitation

Sun Nov 5 09:17:30 UTC 2006
Marcin Godlewski <godo at politechnika.lublin.pl>

Michael Kress napisał(a):

> I tested the same thing on an xfs fs and the interesting thing was that
> I got further...
> Creating {1..63000} wasn't any problem,
> I also added these dirs in the same directory without a prob:
> for i in {1..63000} ; do mkdir abc${i} ; done
> for i in {1..63000} ; do mkdir def${i} ; done
> I didn't want to spend more time on testing.
> It took me a whole lotta time to delete that stuff. ;-)
> Maybe under xfs directories just are limited by inodes and nothing else.

COuld u tell me why did u take some much time to delete stuff ??

if u know command for and rm and ls u can do it exactly the same what
did u do with mkdir command.
for i in ls; do rm -rf $i;done
thats it. no big deal to remove that files. :)

** WWW: http://www.godlewski.info/ * PGP ID: 6D2CEFA8 **
** JID: godo at jabber.atman.pl     *     GG: 366328 *   **