[CentOS] MCP61 asus motherboard not work under 4.4

Tue Nov 14 04:07:18 UTC 2006
Aleksandar Milivojevic <alex at milivojevic.org>

Jerry Geis wrote:
> I just received an MCP61 based motherboard from asus.
> The install from local cd works. However, the network
> does not.
> I am attempting to use kernel on the machine.
> Indications are it may work.
> Come on 5.0, I'm ready for the updated kernel.

The RHEL5beta1 used 2.6.17.  However even if they stay with that version
for final release, they'll probably backport support for hardware from
more recent versions.  However, they'll probably backport support for
that network card to 2.6.9 in RHEL4 way before RHEL5 is out ;-)

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