[CentOS] What happened to the RescueCD?

Sat Nov 18 01:18:00 UTC 2006
Johnny Hughes <mailing-lists at hughesjr.com>

On Fri, 2006-11-17 at 16:55 -0700, Karl Hanzel wrote:
> Hey folks -
> So what happened to the RescueCD ISO?... i'm not finding it under the 
> ...centos/4.4/isos/ dir, as i believe it generally has been previously.
> At my office, we have a local mirror, and i've always just burned the 
> RescueCD ISO and booted with that.  At the prompt i supply "linux 
> askmethod" and then later reference our local mirror to do an install or 
> upgrade.  The RescueCD is (or was) particularly convenient, because it's 
> small & quick to download & burn.
> Is there a simple alternative that i'm overlooking?

Never been a rescueCD ... CD-1 (or the ServerCD, or the DVD) has a
rescue mode when booting ... you get to it with the command:

linux rescue

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