Hi, I had the following problem today. Because of a misconfigured network switch one system suddenly didn't have any network. After a reboot (with the network still unavailable) NTPD refused to start. Most likely because the initial ntpdate failed to work. I find this troubling, because when the network was restored, NTPD could have resumed working (like I'd expect from a true daemon). Now, what was more peculiar was that the hardware clock was completely off. I also had assumed that somehow the hardware clock was kept in sync, but now after rebooting without network, the system clock was skewed. Is there some way to: + Make ntpd run, even when no ntp-server could be contacted + Make ntpd synchronise the hardware clock automatically PS Yes, I know I can run ntpdate from cron or run hwclock to synchronize my hardware clock. But shouldn't this be part of the infrastructure (either ntpd or the initscripts) ? Maybe this is useful to have fixed upstream, but I prefer to hear second opinions before trying to be smart :) Kind regards, -- dag wieers, dag at wieers.com, http://dag.wieers.com/ -- [all I want is a warm bed and a kind word and unlimited power]